Greetings and Welcome to INIX Technologies Holdings Berhad​

I thank the Board of Directors and Management team for the support given to me to lead this Company in this competitive market and we will endeavor to put the INIX brand as premier brand in the eyes of the buyer.

INIX TECHNOLOGIES HOLDINGS BERHAD with its core businesses still strongly related to Information Technology (IT) and E-commerce industry. 

We are motivated by the fact that technological innovation will transform the communities in which we live into a knowledge-based and sustainable society. Our solutions are geared towards elevating the living standard of communities towards sustainable growth. 

We are also focussing our efforts on the healthcare industry, with announcement of our venture in glove manufacturing.

You have my assurance that we will continually strive to deliver better products and services to you, and we look forward to a long and fruitful relationship. Feel free to explore this website and you will gain enough information about us.

Thank You